St Stephen's Infant School

St Stephen's Infant School

SSIS invests love and care in all we do

Welcome to

St Stephen's Infant School

  1. About Us
  2. School Development Plan

SSIS School Development Plan (SDP)

Our vision shapes the strategic direction of the school.

Our core values and principles inform how we design and implement our curriculum.

Our annual School Development Plan (SDP) sets out actions that will help the school to improve and work towards realising our vision. Our governors help draft the plan  which contains clear actions for stakeholders to complete. Our Strategic Leadership Team (SLT) and Link Governors review the plan throughout the year.

Staff, governors, parents/carers and children have been involved in the process of drafting the school’s vision and evaluating the school’s performance in order to identify our 3 Key Priorities for the 2023-24 School Development Plan (SDP).

Monitoring and Review of School Development Plan

We have 2 review points throughout the year:

Term 3 and an end review in Term 6.  

At the end of the year we will review the SDP and use our self-evaluation evidence to identify the subsequent year’s actions to help move towards realising our vision.


Please click on the links to read each of our Key Priorities:


Key Priority 1 - To ensure all children can read fluently by the end of Key Stage 1.

Key Priority 2 - To ensure our curriculum is implemented effectively and consistently across the school.

Key Priority 3 - To promote the personal development and well-being of our children, staff and the wider community.