St Stephen's Infant School

St Stephen's Infant School

SSIS invests love and care in all we do

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St Stephen's Infant School

  1. Parents/Carers
  2. Speech and Language Support

Speech and Language Support

Parent Portal – 

We have free access to this Parent Portal. Please see below for more information.

‘SpeechLink’ - Welcome to the new award-winning website offering parents and carers with children who have Speech and Language Communication Needs advice, information and activities for developing your children’s understanding, talking and listening.


Why are Speech and Language so important?

Speech and language skills are absolutely fundamental to our well-being and success in life. We use these skills constantly to communicate our wants and needs to others, to collaborate and negotiate, and build strong bonds with other people. Language skills are also important for our learning. In schools and at home, we learn new skills and acquire new knowledge by listening to others talking and reading written language. The demands on language skills only increase as children get older and progress through their education.

It’s often easy to identify children who have difficulties with unclear speech, as you will find it difficult to understand their talking, and your child may be frustrated when their speech is not understood.

Language, on the other hand, can be a hidden difficulty which is harder to identify as we often can’t observe whether someone has or hasn’t understood. Use the ‘Parent Portal’ to support your child at home and use the great resources and activities to support them. 

COVID update: Supporting your children’s learning, language and trying to work at the same time will challenge even the most confident and committed of us. The ‘Parent Portal’ is here to help give parents ideas so you can continue your children’s support in a way that works for you as a family.

Use the new ‘Can I have your attention please?’ videos to help get your child in the right mood for learning. Daily tips will give you super quick games and ideas to encourage a range of language skills. Perhaps end your children’s learning time with one or two of those.

You don’t always need to create special time for working on listening and talking, use our everyday activities to turn many routine tasks into support activities.

Remember parents and carers don’t cause speech and language difficulties but they can make all the difference in helping children overcome them.

If you need any further advice please contact Karen Stokes Speech and Language Co-ordinator via email: