St Stephen's Infant School

St Stephen's Infant School

SSIS invests love and care in all we do

Welcome to

St Stephen's Infant School

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Draco
  3. Draco - Archive 21/22


Week 1

What a busy week we've had in our new classroom! We are so excited to be in Year 2 now!

This week we have:

* Explored the resources in our classroom
* Proved how much we can remember in Phonics
* Demonstrated our balancing skills with beanbags in PE
* Joined in with Mrs Manning's singing assembly
* Shared our playtime with the Year 1 children
* Played games with our friends during community time

As well as some reading, counting and ordering numbers! Wow


Week 2 

Everyone has worked really hard this week! 

In English we have been really focusing on using capital letters in our writing. We are trying to remember them when we start our sentences and when we write a name.   

In Maths we have  been developing our knowledge and understanding of two digit numbers. We have been writing, making and drawing numbers all week.

We have really Geography this week. We have been thinking about the physical features of our planet (  beaches, rivers, forests etc )  as well as the human features (roads, houses, factories etc)  of our planet. 

In PE we made up beanbag games to practise our aiming.