St Stephen's Infant School

St Stephen's Infant School

SSIS invests love and care in all we do

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St Stephen's Infant School

  1. Year Group Pages
  2. Elmer

Elmer Class


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Please click here to see our curriculum overview


PE days

Gruffalo class have PE on Wednesday and Friday. This changes every term. Children will need to come to school in their PE kit on these days. 


Topic titles 

Term 1: Marvellous Me

Term 2: Here and Now, Now and Then

Term 3: Heroes and Villains

Term 4: Exploring Adventures

Term 5: Amazing World

Term 6: Bristol and Beyond 





Elmer Class Staff

Mrs Perris is Elmer Class Teacher.  Mrs Plenty, Mrs Miller, Miss Ali and Mrs Healey are the Year group Teaching Assistants.   click here to see staff team 


 Our timetable this term includes, English, Maths, Reading, Phonics, History, Music, Art, Science, PE, RE, PSHE



Please click here to see our curriculum overview

PE days

Elmer class have PE on Tuesday and Thursday. They will need to come to school in their PE kit on these days and will stay in it all day. 


Important dates  

coming soon...... our trip to St Stephens Church


Topic titles 

Term 1: Marvellous Me

Term 2: Here and Now, Now and Then

Term 3: Heroes and Villains

Term 4: Exploring Adventures

Term 5: Amazing Worlds

Term 6: Buzzing Bristol

link to curriculum overview 


We deliver phonics through the DfE approved scheme Little Wandle

For more information please see our phonics page.


Home learning 

Your child will bring home a reading book matched to their phonic knowledge. Please practise reading together at least five times per week. 

Your child will also bring home a 'real book' for you to enjoy with your child. Our 'Reading Scheme' books are designed to help children practise their sounds they learn in school, but 'real books' are sent home to encourage a love for reading! Children are not expected to read these books independently. 

For more information please see our reading page.

Doodle maths login and assignments set most weeks.

 Weekly spellings shared on Seesaw.

Online learning resources

BBC’s Bitesize website 

Oxford Owl 

National Geographic Kids

Top Marks

Tate Kids 

Oak National Academy 

Phonics Play

Cosmic Kids



If you would like to speak to one of the team you can pass on information at the door at the start and end of the day. Please be aware that this is a very busy time and staff need to ensure children are dropped-off and picked -up safely, if you need a longer chat with a member of the team it is best to email and make an appointment using the office email address 

Home learning 

Your child will bring home two 'Little Wandle' home learning sheets with activities to help you practise at home. The sheets contain learning from class from the previous week and the current week. Please practise regularly with your child. Continued repetition of saying the sound (phoneme) and recognising the letter (grapheme) will support your child in learning to read and support them to progress. 

Your child will bring home a reading book matched to their phonic knowledge and a book to share with you. Please practise reading together at least five times per week.

For more information please see our reading page.




We observed our faces carefully to draw our self-portraits.

We have been enjoying our Bristol Rovers PE skills sessions.

We have been learning about old toys.  Kingswood Heritage Museum came to visit with lots of old toys for us to explore.

In term 2 we were learning about primary and secondary colours.  We learnt to mix secondary colours.  We then made some artwork inspired by Kandinsky.