Art & Design
Big Picture - Talk like an Artist
Art is a way of expressing, exploring and sharing your thoughts, ideas and feelings. Planned, designed or spontaneous. Practise, explore techniques and create using different media and materials. Exploring and observing other artists’ work for enjoyment and copy skills and techniques.
At St Stephen’s Infants School, we believe that providing a diverse and wide range of Art and Design experiences contributes to the development of the whole child, stimulating their imagination and creativity whilst developing resilience, self-confidence, perseverance, concentration, sensitivity, self-criticism and awareness. We value Art and Design as it provides children with a unique way of perceiving themselves and the world around them and supports the development of knowledge, concepts and skills that enhances learning across the wider curriculum. Children develop their fine motor control when using a variety of media and tools to develop techniques, skills and processes. They will also develop appropriate vocabulary so that they are able to communicate their experiences, ideas and to evaluate their own and other’s work.
As our pupils move through St Stephen’s Infants School they will draw upon their experiences within art and design, using a range of materials creatively to design and make products through drawing, painting and sculpture. They explore different techniques in using colour, pattern, texture, line, shape, form and space. Using a clear progressive pathway throughout the year groups (see curriculum map for more information) ensures that high standards and quality of teaching are maintained, resulting in our pupils making good progress in the skills that they are demonstrating, vocabulary that they are being exposed to and knowledge that they are gaining.
Art & Design at St Stephen's
Arts Week 2022
4th-8th July
The children will be studying art in Bristol and using it as inspiration for
art work.
Emma from 'Go Sketch' visiting to lead art workshops in each
Y2 will take part in a Samba music workshop on Thursday.
Please see the Arts Week PowerPoint below for more detail-
click on 'full screen'.
Please visit your child's Class Page on the website to view some of their
Spring Day Art,
Taking inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh's 'Sunflowers', the children did observational drawings of daffodils in their new sketchbooks.
Winter Art- Winter Day, January 2022
Self-Portraits Term 1 2021