Online Safety
Keeping children safe on the internet is really important to us at St Stephen's and is part of our Computing curriculum (Click here for more information).
Term 3 - Safer Internet Day 7/02/23
Children watched Hanni and The Magic Window.
In the story, Hanni's window is like online technology; she can see or do anything through it! One day Hanni sees something she doesn't like, but doesn't tell her trusted adult straight away. In class, children talked about who they can tell if they see something they don't like on their devices. Children also designed their own magic windows, you can see their work in the photo below.
Term 2
Children attended an assembly about what to do if you see something that worries you online. We discussed speaking to a trusted adult straight away and children thought of up to four trusted adults to add to their Helping Hand template.
Here is a link to the video we watched in assembly.
In February of each year we support Safer Internet Day (SID), an event held in over 170 countries and supported by the UK safer internet centre who offer help and advice and have a hotline to support parents or children with staying safe on the internet. (Click here to view their website)
You can also visit the Safer Internet Day website for more information and resources to help keep your children safe online:
Here is a list of websites that can support you with keeping your child safe online: - A live lesson for children from the BBC.
Lots of our children love to play on Playstation, Xbox, Nintendo devices (others are also available) and it is important that we keep children safe on these.
The PEGI website is a database of all computer games and why they have been given a certain age rating. These ratings are set by 8 content areas which are: Language (eg swearing), Drug use, Discrimination, Fear, Gambling, Sex, Violence and In Game Purchases.
Games are designed to fit one of the following age ratings: 3, 7, 12, 16, 18. This works in the same way as films.
Games from the Apple app store or Google Play store also have age ratings which can be found before downloading however these are set by the app developer so it’s worth checking them out before you let your child use them.
Helpful Guides:
Video guides for how to set up parent controls on the following devices:
PS4 Parental Controls (Official):
Xbox One Parent Controls (Official):
Amazon Fire Tablets (unofficial):
Youtube (unofficial):
Who to contact if I have questions or concerns?
Our online Safety leader is Mrs Hayes and you can contact her via the school email or you can contact a designated safeguarding leader by calling the office on 01454 866470.