Welcome to Elmer class
We have been reading the story 'Gruffalo'.
We went to look for the Gruffalo and other characters in the woods.
We made homes for the characters in the Gruffalo story.
We have been drawing self portraits trying to include all the features of of our face. See if you can spot yours below.
We had fun celebrating our 'Elmer day' party.
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We enjoyed making paper fire blowing dragons. We followed a number of instruction to make it.
We wrote instructions telling Zog how to fly.
We have been making castles for Zog and Princess Pearl with the block play resources.
We enjoyed our PE session with Bristol Rovers today. We have been learning team warm up games.
We enjoyed retelling the story 'Knuffle Bunny'.
We then planned and wrote our own version of 'Knuffle Bunny' using our favourite toy.
We had a lovely Christmas party. We enjoyed party food, games in the hall and pass the parcel.
Have a fantastic Christmas break.
Term 3, Week 4;
We have had a great start to the term. Our topic is 'Heroes and Villains' which the children are really enjoying.
There was a crime scene outside and we worked out that Goldilocks had eaten all the porridge, plus she has broken baby bears chair!
We made traps for Goldilocks and cooked our own porridge to taste what it is like. We loved choosing our toppings too!
In maths we have been representing numbers to 100 in different ways using equipment. In phonics we have been revising our digraphs. Please practise these at home and see if you can find any words with them in?
ay (play), ou (shout), oy (boy), ir (girl),
wh (when), ey (donkey), oa (boat), oe (toe),
ie (pie), aw (saw), au (jaunt), ea (beach),
ue (fuel), ue (clue)
We enjoyed making Porridge. We read and followed the instructions to help us.
We make porridge thief traps. We used resources in the create and make area and the block play area. We made a plan and followed it. We reflected on what went well and what we could change to make it even better!
We enjoyed looking for changes now its springtime! We also planted our sunflower seeds for the sunflower growing competition. Have a look at our observational drawings of some spring daffodils. We tried to look very carefully at the shapes of each part of the flower and stem.
Our new topic is animals. We have been learning lots about animals this week.
We have been observing animal patterns and drawing animals with different patterns.
We have been making animal homes in the block play area.
We have also been grouping animals into amphibians, reptiles, birds, insects, fish and mammals. Have a look at some of our learning in the photos below.
We have been learning about the 7 Continents. We have been enjoying singing the '7 Continents song'!
We have been enjoying learning PE skills and playing relay games with our Bristol Rovers Coach.
We enjoyed taking part in the infant agility PE session with some of the children from the junior school. We took part in different work stations some of which were throwing, balance and running.